International Responses

Canadian Response: House of Common Motion 291, 2007

Summery of Findings in Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal 2000 for the Trial of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery

Report by The Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues & The Support 121 Coalition 

Judicial Proceedings: “Comfort Women”

United Nations Commission on Human Rights: Special Rapporteur on Sexual Slavery

Wednesday Demonstration by Korean “comfort women” survivors

First held on January 8th, 1992 when Japan’s then Prime Minister Miyazawa visited the Republic of Korea, the Wednesday Demonstrations have demanded full investigation and fulfillment of responsibility to restore the dignity and rights of the victims… read more

A statement issued by 187 Japanese Studies scholars

A statement issued by 187 Japanese Studies scholars that urges Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo to “act boldly” in addressing history. Focusing especially on the history of the so-called “comfort women” of the Japanese military — one of the key components in the region’s tensions over its “history problems,” together with the Nanjing massacre and the Yasukuni shrine, Tokyo’s monument to all Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals — the scholars ask Prime Minister Abe to acknowledge openly that this system was “distinguished by its large scale and systematic management under the military, and by its exploitation of young, poor, and vulnerable women in areas colonized or occupied by Japan.” read more

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