Petition to the Government of
Canada to Establish
Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day

Enter your information below to support our electronic petition calling on the Government to establish Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day or print your own petition and send it to MP Jenny Kwan’s office (no postage needed) - Download a paper copy by clicking here.

就要求加拿大政府訂定南京大屠殺紀念日,請填寫以下電子請願書,您亦可透過連接下載打印請願書,寄回國會議員關慧貞辦事處(不用貼郵票) -請願書下載

Text of the petition


  • December 13th marks the anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. In 1937 the Imperial Japanese Army raped an estimated 20,000 to 80,000 Chinese women and girls, and killed an estimated 300,000 people;
  • Documents of the Nanjing Massacre were included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register;
  • Western eyewitnesses in Nanjing described the atrocities as “Hell on Earth”;
  • After the Nanjing Massacre, the military sexual slavery system for the Japanese military expanded rapidly and approximately 200,000 women from Korea, Philippines, China, Burma, Indonesia and other Japanese occupied territories were tricked, kidnapped or coerced into working in "comfort stations" to serve as “comfort women” to the Imperial Japanese Army;
  • The crimes against humanity perpetrated during the Nanjing Massacre are not merely a regional issue, but an issue of international justice that is acknowledged by individual provinces across Canada through different commemorative events; and
  • Canada has a rich humanitarian tradition of advocating for peace and of recognizing global atrocities where women and children are often casualties of brutal wars and armed conflicts.

We, the following named persons, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to declare December 13th of every year as Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day.



  • 12月13日是南京大屠殺紀念日,日本帝國軍隊在1937年強暴約20,000至80,000位中國婦女和女孩,並且殺害約30萬人;
  • 南京大屠殺的檔案已列入聯合國教科文組織世界記憶名錄;
  • 當時在南京的西方目擊者將此暴行描述為「人間地獄」;
  • 在南京大屠殺發生後,日本軍隊的性奴隸制度迅速擴張,20萬名韓國、菲律賓、中國、緬甸、印尼及其他日軍佔領地區的婦女被強迫、綁架或誘騙到「慰安所」成為日本帝國軍隊的「慰安婦」;
  • 南京大屠殺如此不人道的罪行不僅是地域性的議題,加拿大不同省份都有活動紀念這項關於國際公義的議題;
  • 加拿大有深厚的人道主義傳統,我們倡導和平及正視全球造成婦女、孩童嚴重暴行的戰爭及武裝衝突。
